Solutions Built for your Industry for Scale

Solving for antiquated labor tasks, operational challenges, and facility inefficiencies.

Search by Industry

Solving for antiquated labor tasks, operational challenges, and facility inefficiencies.


Elevate your catering operations with smart, automated monitoring, ensuring food safety and optimal storage conditions.


Smart, integrated monitoring solutions to streamline operations, maintain safety standards, and ensure cleanliness in convenience stores.


Smart monitoring for comprehensive safety and efficiency, from kitchen to guest rooms in the hospitality industry.


Smart monitoring to streamline university operations, ensuring a clean, efficient, and conducive learning environment.


Advance your transportation solutions with integrated monitoring for energy management and temperature control during transit.


Advance manufacturing safety and efficiency with smart solutions that monitor energy usage, detect leaks, and maintain optimal temperatures.


Ensure your grocery store's produce and goods are kept fresh through proactive monitoring of all your grocery's departments.


Transform your retail environment with integrated solutions for energy management, cleanliness, and precise temperature control.

Full-Service Restaurants

Enhance your restaurant's ambiance and operational efficiency with smart monitoring solutions that safeguard food quality and dining comfort.

Quick-Service Restaurants

Optimize your quick-service restaurant's efficiency and output through smart solutions that boost food operations, hygiene, and air quality.

Need something custom?

We can create custom IoT solutions tailored to your challenges. Reach out to our sales team to find out more.

ConnectedFresh FAQ

Many of your immediate questions may be answered here, but please never hesitate to reach out.

What if I already have hardware that I have installed?
Do you manufacture the sensors?
The device is wireless and lasts 5-10 years? Was that a typo?
What's so special about the sensors you use?
In layman's terms, what's going on?
How do I know my data is safe?
What if I already have hardware that I have installed?
Are there any network connectivity requirements? My IT department wants to meet you in the parking lot at 3pm.
What if my sensors stop working?
How do I set my temperature alert thresholds?
You keep talking about this fancy-schmancy dashboard. Can I see it?
How do I know you know what you're doing?
What if you didn't answer my question here?

Let's connect.

We're in this to build great solutions and serve you.